Sport Courses Reviews

Vert Shock Program By Adam And Justin – Full NO BS Review
Hi buddy
If you heard about the Vert Shock Program by Adam Folker and Justin Darlington, and you try to understand if this vertical jump program is really the best one for your specific needs then we invite you to check our honest and detailed review below.
On this Vert Shock Program review we will focus on the most important aspects of this program, explain to you in simple words what you will find inside, and more important, we will discuss the major pros and cons of this vertical jump program so you can understand much better if it is really for you and to make a smart decision.
Let’s start with a quick overview and understand the basics of the Vert Shock Program…
What Exactly Is The Vert Shock Program?
Created by Adam Folker, a Canadian professional basketball player, and Justin Darlington, an award-winning slam dunker, the Vert Shock Program is a step-by-step system that was designed to help athletic and non-athletic individuals to add 9-15 inches to their vertical jump in just about 8 weeks of training.
There are 3 main phases to the Vert Shock Program and in short, here are the main goals of each one of them:
1st Phase: Pre Shock (1 week)
This phase will prepare your body for the succeeding phases. It is also during this time that you’ll add around 3 to 5 inches to your vertical jump.
2nd Phase: Shock Phase (6 weeks)
This is the core of the Vert Shock Program. In this phase your nervous system is surprised to help you jump higher than you or others could have ever imagined.
3rd Phase: Post Shock Phase (1 week)
This phase will help permanently record in your memory everything that you learned in the past phases of this program.
According to Adam and Justin, the Vert Shock Program stands out from the rest because it doesn’t over-train users. Instead, it uses ground-breaking workouts that will specifically target your Type II B muscle fibers to add a couple more inches to your vertical jump.
What’s more, the Vert Shock Program uses a jump training called plyometric training to increase your muscles’ explosiveness and power. (Type II B muscle fibers, or fast twitch muscle fibers, are tapped if you want to develop your speed, power, and force.)
To make everything easier for, you Adam Folker and Justin Darlington divided their program into several different components including a pre-shock phase workout plan, vert tracker, step-by-step exercise videos, post-shock phase workout plan, shock phase workout plan and quick-start guide. Aside from those main components they also offer these 4 bonus items:
- Dirty Secrets to Jumping Higher – a quick report which will share Justin’s five secrets to adding 2 to 5 inches to your vertical jumps extremely fast.
- 4 Vertical Jump Killers – This guide will shed some light on 4 things that are ruining your chances of jumping higher.
- The Jumpers Diet Checklist – In this guide you’ll get a full list of foods you should and shouldn’t eat.
- Weekly Check-Ins via email –This will help you to increase your consistency and improve your results via solid psychological techniques.
This is, in a nutshell, what you can expect to learn inside the Vert Shock Program. For more information about the three phases and about the main components of the program please Check This Page.
Now, to answer your most important question “Is this really for me?” let’s go over some of the major pros and cons of this vertical jump program.
The Pros And Cons Of The Vert Shock Program
The Pros
Credible Authors With Impressive Qualifications
This program is definitely made by two people who have the professional qualifications and expert know-how about dunking and basketball in general. Adam Folker is a 6’9” Canadian professional basketball player, who plays forward for the UC Irvine.
Justin Darlington, a.k.a. Jus Fly, is a 21-year-old track and field athlete. He was also named as the #1 slam dunker for several times now. He started competing in slam dunk contests locally when he was just a teenager, and now this Canadian athlete is already part of the Team Flight Brothers, a popular and highly skilled crew of traveling slam dunkers.
Absolutely EVERYBODY Can Use This Program
And that’s the beauty of it. You don’t have to be a basketball pro, high jumper, sporty, tall, or whatever to benefit from the Vert Shock Program. In fact, it is those people who have never dunked a ball in their life or are un-athletic that would experience the biggest improvements in their vertical jump by using this program.
The Videos Make The Exercises Easy To Understand And Execute
The videos really help a lot in making it easy for people to learn the exercises, thus ensuring them that they’re doing everything exactly right. Once you purchase the program you’ll gain access to a video library composed of more than 35 HD training videos, which are found in the exclusive “members only” area of the Vert Shock Program website.
These videos really take the guesswork out and their quality is simple great.
No Expensive Exercise Equipment Needed
Another thing that we like about the Vert Shock program is that you can follow it anywhere you wish. For instance, you can follow it in an open field using only a box (or bench) as an exercise tool. No need to be a member of some gym or buy expensive exercise machine – a big advantage that can save you a lot of money.
Doesn’t Take Up Too Much Time
Do you run a hectic schedule? Well, no worries. Adam Folker and Justin Darlington made sure that their Vert Shock Program would also accommodate busy individuals. You only need to give this program 1 hour, 4 times per week, which is less than many other vertical jump programs online.
If you’re really interested to improve your vertical jump, we’re sure you could find the time for this.
Offers A No-Hassle, Money-Back Promise
Okay, let’s say you really didn’t get any results from the Vert Shock Program within 60 days, what now? Fortunately, you can get all of your money back in a short time. Just send the Vert Shock customer support an email expressing your desire for a full refund and Adam Folker promises to give you every cent back without even the need to give any reasons at all.
The Cons
Refrain From Over-Training
We personally believe that some people will try to do everything too fast when following the program and this is exactly what the authors are trying to avoid. Over-training can negatively impact a person and it could easily cause muscle strains.
Inside the “members only” area of the Vert Shock Program website there are schedules you can print so make sure you follow them to refrain from over-training.
Hard Work And Dedication Are Required
Vert Shock is not a “magic pill” course that will endow you with the ability to do gravity defying jumps in a snap. Of course, you still need to break some sweat and dedicate yourself to this program for a full 8 weeks in order to maximize your results.
An Online Course
All the materials in this program – the 35+ training videos, daily printable schedules, checklists and bonus contents – are accessed through the Vert Shock Program official website. If you prefer physical DVDs or if your Internet connection is poor then you may find this format to be a con for you.
The Bottom Line
Overall, we personally believe that the Vert Shock Program simply stands out from the rest and Just looking at the credentials of the authors is enough for us to endorse this to anyone interested to jump higher and defy gravity.
Granting you don’t have any medical condition that would stop you from enrolling in this program, it’s great that everybody could take advantage of the Vert Shock Program regardless of their skills, experience, height, or build. In addition, it’s really easy to learn everything inside because detailed step-by-step videos and other important materials are provided.
In our opinion it is also a big advantage that this program won’t require you to use expensive equipment, go to the gym, or spend hours doing the exercises. It’s really perfect for busy people.
With that said, the Vert Shock Program is not for everyone.
You must understand that this program is only for people who are willing to invest their time and effort in order to complete the entire training. In other words, if you expect to get Michael Jordan’s iconic gravity-defying vertical jump in an instant and without hard work then the Vert Shock Program is probably not for you.
On the other hand, this program can really deliver amazing vertical jump results and 1000’s of athletes have already found success with it. While there are some cheaper alternatives online, we personally believe that you will not find a comprehensive vertical jump program that offers such a great value for money as the Vert Shock program.
In addition, the fact that a full money back guarantee is in place actually allows you to test all the strategies shared by Adam Folker and Justin Darlington with no risk at all, so we personally don’t see any reason why serious people should not give the Vert Shock Program a try…
Well, that’s all we had to say about the Vert Shock Program and we sincerely hope you have found this review a great help for you.
Take care and all the best!
Rita and Alex

Epic Soccer Training System By Matt Smith – Our Real Review
If you heard about the Epic Soccer Training system by Matt Smith and you want to understand if this soccer training program can really help you to improve your soccer game then today’s post is for you.
At this Epic Soccer Training review we are going to take an in depth look at the basics of the program, at the things that Matt Smith offers inside and at the most important pros & cons of the Epic Soccer Training system which will help understand if you should really invest in this training program or not.
Before we start we just want to mention one important thing: These days it seems that several websites try to sell the Epic Soccer Training program at a higher price than what it should be. If you want to get this soccer training program at the cheapest price available and with full money-back guarantee we will highly recommend you getting it only from the Official Epic Soccer Training Site and not from any other place…
OK, now let’s begin and talk about the basics of the Epic Soccer Training System and understand what Matt Smith’s system is all about.
What Exactly Is Epic Soccer Training?
Created by Matt Smith, a former professional soccer player who has over two decades of experience in teaching others how to improve their soccer skills, the Epic Soccer Training System can be best described as a comprehensive program that will reveal to you how you can greatly boost your soccer IQ and moves to pro level.
This program was specifically designed for individuals, not coaches, and it comes with more than 75 pages of PDF workbook and 4 modules, which are composed of 10 to 21 short video clips per module. Each video can last anywhere between 3 minutes to 10 minutes, or a total of 5 hours of training videos.
Inside his video tutorials and main guide Matt Smith covers lots of topics in details which include, among others, some of the most effective ways to train in order to get faster results, the best moves to beat even the best defenders, the top 3 mistakes majority of soccer players commit and the right shooting angles to get pass the goal keeper.
Aside from the Epic Soccer Training main program, Matt Smith also offers four bonus items to ensure that you reach your maximum potential. These bonus items are the following:
- The Epic Soccer Fitness Guide – Here you will mainly learn how to do interval training to whip your body into the best game shape five times faster than usual.
- The Epic Soccer Nutrition Guide – This guide covers different foods that you should eat and avoid before a game in order to help speed up your recovery. You’ll also learn in this guide the number one drink (it’s not your usual sports drink) that will help you restore proper body electrolyte balance.
- The Epic Soccer Training Vault – This component will reveal to you some of the most superior soccer techniques and moves to boost your skills to professional level. Not only that, this bonus will give you access to exclusive video classroom sessions.
- Personal Email Coaching – This is probably the most valuable bonus item that Matt Smith provides and here you will get a full year of one-on-one email coaching from no one else but him. So, if you feel stuck or have any soccer-related questions, you can just drop him an email to help yourself stay on track.
Well, that was a basic overview of the Epic Soccer Training program. Now, let’s go over to the most important part of this review and talk about the different pros and cons of Matt Smith’s Soccer Training program.
The Pros And Cons Of The Epic Soccer Training System
The Pros
Provides Wealth Of Information For Affordable Price
The Epic Soccer Training System is very comprehensive and some users say that the videos alone well justify the price of this product.
Each module has more than an hour’s worth of training videos that feature Matt Smith himself showing you how to improve your skills in soccer and increase your soccer I.Q. to pro level, and in addition you also get an in-depth PDF workbook, several bonus items and a chance to be personally coached by Matt Smith via email for free, which really make the Epic Soccer Training program much more affordable than almost any other soccer training program out there.
All The Techniques Are Demonstrated By Matt Smith Himself
We couldn’t stress enough of the importance that tricks and techniques are executed by someone who’s truly skilled in the game of soccer. And fortunately for potential clients, Matt Smith is a pro soccer player who has 20 years of experience in teaching this sport.
In his program he cleanly and skillfully demonstrates all the simple to complex techniques to ensure that you understand everything perfectly in order to improve your own soccer skills fast and safely.
Most Drills And Exercises Can Be Performed Without A Partner
Around 90-percent of the methods and drills provided and demonstrated by Matt Smith inside his program can be executed without the assistance of another person.
This is another great advantage of the Epic Soccer Training program because you don’t have to be in a team environment or tire yourself with finding the right training partner, who’s as motivated and dependable as you, in order to enjoy the full benefits of this training program.
A Perfect Resource For Individuals Who Don’t Like Reading A Lot
As we mentioned before, the Epic Soccer Training system is one of the most comprehensive programs out there and it really covers everything you need to know to improve your soccer skills – from improving your fitness to nutrition and down to the most advanced and effective techniques.
However, what’s even better is that you don’t have to spend lots of time reading everything. The workbook included in the package constantly refers back to the training videos provided, so you don’t have to spend a ton of your time on reading the entire program.
The Epic Soccer Training is basically summarized in the five hours’ worth of videos included in the package which make everything much easier to understand and to follow.
Take Advantage Of A Risk Free Money-Back Guarantee
Matt Smith is very confident that his program will help you improve your soccer game dramatically and because of that he offers superb money back guarantee.
If you feel that this program didn’t do anything at all to improve your game you can feel free to ask for a full refund of your money within 60 days and to get every penny back.
This guarantee from Matt Smith makes his soccer training program risk-free, which is of course another very important advantage.
The Cons
The Training Videos Are Not Downloadable
Well, there’s no question that the videos provided are packed with great information. The only downside that you may face is that the videos can’t be downloaded to your smartphone, personal computer, laptop or other compatible gadgets to watch them offline, and all of them are only viewable via the Internet.
We guess that Matt Smith doing that in order to protect his videos from getting stolen.
Not Made For Soccer Coaches
If you’re a soccer coach looking for a great material to help you do your job better, then you’d better skip this product. Matt Smith created the Epic Soccer Training with soccer “players” in mind and it is not the right program for other purposes.
The Epic Soccer Training System Is A Digital Product
As what was previously mentioned, the Epic Soccer Training program by Matt Smith is available in PDF and video formats online only. If you’re not entirely comfortable reading eBooks you can print the entire program for your convenience.
The Bottom Line
Overall, the Epic Soccer Training system by Matt Smith is a very impressive training program that contains lots and lots of valuable information that any newbie or seasoned soccer player could take advantage of.
What we really like about this soccer training program is that it offers amazing value for your money and for a relatively low price you’ll get instant access to 5 hours’ worth of video tutorials, full workbook, email coaching from Matt himself for a year and several useful bonuses that will help you to improve your skills and moves in soccer dramatically.
In addition, the fact that you don’t even have to find a reliable training partner just to execute most of the lessons is also a huge advantage.
With that said, the Epic Soccer Training system is not for everyone.
If you plan just to buy this training program and to “magically” become a better soccer player then the Epic Soccer Training may not be for you. You must understand that you have to put into constant practice whatever you’ll learn from this program and if you lack the right mindset and self-confidence, then you’ll most likely have a hard time reaching your full soccer potential.
On the other hand, if you think that you have the right mindset and you are looking for a soccer training program that was created by a real professional and really covers all you have to know in order to improve your soccer skills, then the Epic Soccer Training system is probably the most affordable program you will find on the market these days.
Moreover, the fact that Matt Smith stands by his friendly 60-day guarantee ensures that if you didn’t get the results you want you can receive a full refund with no questions asked, so actually you have really nothing to lose…
That’s it. We really hope that our Epic Soccer Training review was helpful for you and we wish you all the best!